- English
August 31 - September 1, 1864 - Jonesboro was a major supply depot for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.
During the battle and seige of Atlanta, Jonesboro played a major role in support of the Confederate defenders. The Confederate supply lines had been severed to the north, and this artery in Jonesboro for the Macon & Western and Atlanta & West Point Railroads had to be cut if Atlanta were to fall. Realizing this, Gen. William Sherman [US] sent six of his seven infantry corps to complete this task.
On August 25th, the US army began withdrawing from their positions to mount an attack on the supply lines between Rough and Ready and Jonesboro. Gen. Hood [CS] sent Lt. Gen. William Hardee [CS] with 2 corps to counter this offensive. Not realizing that he was opposed by 6 corps, Hardee attacked the Union corps just west of Jonesboro on August 31st and was easily repulsed. Gen. Hood, fearing an attack on Atlanta itself withdrew one of Hardee's corps that night. The next day, the Union army broke through the remaining Hardee corps, successfully severing the supply line. There were an estimated 3,149 casualties for both sides during this battle.
The remainder of Hardee's corps retreated to Lovejoy's Station, and Hood evacuated Atlanta, leaving it to be burned and plundered by the Union troops.
Jonesboro also served as the inspiration and setting of Margaret Mitchell's epic "Gone With the Wind".
August 31 - September 1, 1864 - Jonesboro was a major supply depot for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.
During the battle and seige of Atlanta, Jonesboro played a major role in support of the Confederate defenders. The Confederate supply lines had been severed to the north, and this artery in Jonesboro for the Macon & Western and Atlanta & West Point Railroads had to be cut if Atlanta were to fall. Realizing this, Gen. William Sherman [US] sent six of his seven infantry corps to complete this task.
On August 25th, the US army began withdrawing from their positions to mount an attack on the supply lines between Rough and Ready and Jonesboro. Gen. Hood [CS] sent Lt....
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